As children, we are in a hurry to grow up. As adults, we constantly dream of returning to the early years of life. There are times when I am so lost in life that my only dream is to go back to my childhood, but I know that is not the solution. I feel like I am in purgatory between who I was as a child and who I will be as an adult. There is a lot of past in me that is at odds with the future. All boundaries are blurring and I'm no longer sure who I am at the moment. Worse, I know that until I reconcile these two worlds, I will not be at peace.
Model: wonderful @plkawprdl and her horse Asta
MUA: irreplaceable @dawidkoczyvoncoda
Help: @xlaurczix, @mazurkiewiczedward, @robertkolarczyk, @julaaaa_m